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and Zhou, M. Study of this
problem at the Building Research Establishment (Ellis and
Crowhurst, 1991) showed that an explosion fuelled by a 200 ml
aerosol canister in a typical domestic room produced a peak
pressure of 9 kN/m2 with a pulse duration over 0. Assessment of tall buildings under blast loading and aircraft
impact, Toward a better Built Environment, Innovation,
Sustainability and Information Technology, International
Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering, Australia, pp. Erki and M.

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Protecting buildings against vehicle bomb attacks, Practice
Periodical on Structural Design and Construction , ASCE, New York,
pp. In this type of
analysis the CFD (computational fluid mechanics) model for
blast-load prediction is solved simultaneously with the CSM
(computational solid mechanics) model for structural response. K. Bleaching failures are typically accompanied by spalling
and scabbing of concrete covers as well as fragments and debris
(Figure 10).

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This depends
mainly on the distance between the source of the explosion and the
target, and the relative strength/ductility of the structural
elements. , Namyet, S. 9 kNm
HSC 27. The maximum value, visit this web-site is given by7812 q s = 5 p so / 2( p so + 7 po ) (4) If the blast wave
encounters an obstacle perpendicular to the direction of
propagation, reflection increases the overpressure to a maximum
reflected pressure Pr as: 7 P + 4 Pso Pr = 2 Pso o (5) 7 Po + Pso A
full discussion and extensive charts for predicting blast pressures
and blast durations are given by Mays and Smith (1995) and TM5-1300
(1990). 4m high) of a
multi-storey building (modified from a typical building designed in
Australia) was analysed in this case study (see Fig. Concrete grades and member sizes
___________________________________________ Column Sizes fc (MPa)
Ligature Spacing ___________________________________________ NSC
500×900 40 400mm and 100mm HSC 350×750 80 400mm and 100mm
___________________________________________900 mmPrediction of the blast-induced pressure field on a structure
and its response involves highly nonlinear behavior.

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Brode, H. Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force,
1990). In this manner the blast will propagate
through the building. R. 1 ab 2.
As shown in Fig.

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responses are characterized by localized bleaching and spalling,
and generally result from the close-in effects of explosions, while
global responses are typically manifested as flexural failure. 4m typicalDirection of attackBlast pressure1Increase in shear strength0. Loss of life and injuries to occupants can result from
many causes, including direct blast-effects, structural collapse,
debris impact, fire, and smoke. 6. 12). , Numerical solution of spherical blast waves, Journal
of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics, Ney York, 1955.

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4 24. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. It can
be seen that under this close-range bomb blast both columns failed
in shear. The glazing is a
rectangular, fully thermally tempered glazing panel having a long
dimension, a; a short dimension, b; and thickness, t.

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The design deflection, Xu is defined as the89EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)Peak Pressure, B (psi)centre deflection where the maximum principle tensile stress at
any point in the glass first reaches the design stress, fun. 22 Uplifting of floor slabs (Blast pressure)Fig. 13). The result for the maximum displacement is
generally presented in chart form (TM 5-1300), as a family of
curves for selected values of Ru/Fm showing the required ductility
as a function of td/T, in which Ru is the structural resistance of
the beam and T is the natural period (Figure 6). 5kPa which is 2. L.

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Danesi: Engng. 4 : quasi-static loading regime. 07 0. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser.

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window glass shards cause injuries in addition to those resulting
from blast pressure. of 18th Australasian Conference on the
Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, Australia. Fu, M. The high shear stresses may
lead to direct global shear failure and it may occur very early
(within a few milliseconds of shock wave arrival to the frontal
surface of the structure) which can be prior to any occurrence of
significant bending deformations. The
graphs clearly show the lateral resistance of the columns.

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